认识魏福顺已有五年了,那是在一次由福建省美协举办的书画活动中,他作为一个协办单位代表,以其率直坦诚,气度豁达,给我留下深刻的印象。 最近福顺择其称意之作,拟辑印成册,以冀得到同道点评,俾能更上一层楼。披览之馀,心目怡悦,爰缀数语,乐为绍介,聊充序言。 福顺幼受家学薰陶,肆意丹青,初从临摹植基,孜孜不倦,积久有成,非一日矣。他在师法传统的基础上,又师法造化,游历了许多名山胜景:青城山、长白山、武夷山、九寨沟……山水钟灵,画境日辟。他以北派的皴法与南派的墨韵相谙合,得北方山石之气概,融以南方云涌之气象,既有传统技法,又有时代气息。在其画中,奇峰危峦、悬崖绝壁、深谷幽壑,或清旷萧疏,或险绝逶逦,既有磅礴的气势,又有深邃的意境。 福顺敏锐地意识到山水画的内涵和外延,无拘无束地把阔笔放纵和细笔钩勒结合起来,画面显得缜密清新,淋漓酣畅,表现了一种以个性抒发的绘画特色。已故著名画家、上海市前美协主席沈柔坚先生观其画后,欣然题赞“山水知音”。 福顺勤奋好学,他是在繁忙的工作之余来创作的。元代大画家黄公望谓:“作画大要,要去邪甜俗赖四个字。”观福顺的画,有清隽纯和之气,而无邪甜俗赖之习。究其原委,即在从正格入,以雅逸出。于法度中寻空阔道理,于超迈中下切实工夫,于严谨中透着一种宁静灵秀之气。他所追求的是诗一般的意境,给人们无限联想空间。他创作的《寒山霞光清泉》、《自有清气山野来》、《清心寻泉峰为伴》等山水画,或雄壮伟拔,或温润祥和,或粗犷坦荡,或清丽奇妙。近代文豪林琴南曾云:“凡能画者,心胸至廓,其间可以构造无数山亭池馆,配以名花美树,一似绿野平泉之胜,可以摇笔既来。不宁惟是,譬如心念匡庐,则开先瀑布即现毫端;心念武夷,则隐屏玉女即成巨幅,随心所欲,一一如愿以偿,天下快心,无逾此矣。”造化之与心源,相得益彰。 由于福顺在绘画上不断的学习、探索,他的山水画创作逐渐形成自己的艺术语言,为我们提供了一个新的视角。天道酬勤,我相信福顺日后艺术必有大成。 陈一峰 二OO八年一月 (作者系原福建省美术家协会主席) Talk by His Brush Pen --a brief introduction to Mr. Wei Fushun’s painting I first met Mr. Wei Fushun in an activity organized by the Fujian Artists Association five years ago. Then and there, what impressed me most was his frankness and liberality. Recently Mr. Wei chooses some of his fine works and plans to publish a book. After viewing his draft, I would like to make some introduction to him and his works. Rome wasn't built in a day and so were Mr. Wei’s achievements. Growing up in a traditional Chinese family, he was greatly influenced by his family members and learned to draw Chinese paintings in his early years. On the basis of following the traditional ways of painting, he imitated to form a unique tone of expressing his philosophy of Chinese painting. The experience of traveling around the places of interest like Qingcheng Mountain, Baekdu Mountain, Wuyi Mountains, Jiuzhaigou etc, adds vivid elements to his paintings. Out of combining the stylized expressions of shade and texture(cunfa) and the dotting methods(moyun), his works is not only a demonstration of traditional techniques, but also a reflection of the features of our age. When browsing his pictures, you may be electrified by his artistic conception , which depict the varieties of Chinese mountains and rivers. He sensibly realizes the landscape’s outward and inner qualities and freely integrates different Chinese painting skills, which makes his paintings a personal expression of his understanding of life. The deceased painter, former president of Shanghai Artists Association, Mr. Shen Roujian, addressed him “a bosom friend of landscapes”. Though he has a talent for Chinese painting, he is still a hardworking guy and all his productions are produced in his spare time. Huang Gongwang, a Chinese painting master of Yuan Dynasty, once said, “the most important factor of painting is that to avoid perversion, worldliness and sophistication” . What he said can easily be represented by Wei’s paintings. Wei’s painting has an atmosphere of pure, not duplication. His paintings pursue the spirit of arts through the structure of paintings, transcendent but practical, and make you feel the tranquility out of preciseness. What he wants to demonstrate is an artistic conception that leaves room for us to imagine. His fine works like the sunshine & fountain of a chilly mountain, fresh air from the field and fountains surrounded by mountains, demonstrate different styles of his pictures. Some of them are majestic, some of them are auspicious sign, some of them are frank and wild and some of them are pretty and amazing. Neoteric master in Chinese literary world, Lin Qinnan, concluded, “ Those who have a gift of painting are open-minded persons, whose inner world can contain innumerable images of ponds, rivers and mountains, and can easily express them as they are just in front of him. And that is the highest artistic conception of Chinese paintings.” Due to the unceasing pursue of arts, Wei has formed a unique style of painting Chinese landscape, which provides us a different angle of explaining the world. God will favor those who are diligent. And I believe that one day we will witness Mr. Wei’s achievements. Chen Yifeng The president of Fujian Artists Association Jan, 2008